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Juneteenth marks the day federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas to inform Blacks of their freedom. As we celebrate this special day let us not forget the work left remaining to ensure we receive equality as Blacks.

The end of these disparities starts when we support and advocate for one another. Black mortality in pregnancy is unacceptable. If you know a Black woman who is pregnant encourage her to have a doula as part of her birthing experience. Find Black doulas at https://www.blackdoulas.life/

Consider supporting a Black-owned business. I know that your support allows me to pour into others whether it’s supporting my local domestic abuse shelter or HBCU students. Check out my services and products at https://linktr.ee/healercassandra

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Empowering Entrepreneurs

It doesn’t seem like I started my company six years ago. The journey has come with many bumps and bruises along the

I'm Cassandra Hill

And I work with women who are struggling to put their health and wellbeing first. My path as a Christian Holistic Wellness Influencer started with a career in gerontology that was sidetracked by a battle with a chronic illness. After five years in remission, it’s become my life’s work to teach other women a framework for holistic wellness so they can start feeling their best again.

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