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Practicing Self-Love As a Woman

romantic black woman with chamomiles in hair

One of my favorite songs by Whitney Houston is the Greatest Love Of All. At the end of the song she sings learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.

Recently in a workshop I had women to complete a love affirmation. In this love affirmation ladies were asked to write things they love about themselves. For some ladies this exercise proved to be a challenge. When was the last time you took time out of your day to love on yourself? Sister I encourage you to take time out of your schedule every day to discover your uniqueness and the talents you bring to the world.

Many times society has taught women that love comes from a romantic realtionship or children. However if you don’t love yourself first it’s not possible to effectively love others.

One resource that will be beneficial on your self-love journey is the book Love Letters to My Girls. In this book over one hundred black women come together pouring into the souls of black women and girls sharing the golden nuggets of how black women can reclaim their worth.



Life will bring many regrets. One decision that you can make and feel great about is loving yourself. Be intentional about loving yourself without apology. No one will love you more than you!

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I'm Cassandra Hill

And I work with women who are struggling to put their health and wellbeing first. My path as a Christian Holistic Wellness Influencer started with a career in gerontology that was sidetracked by a battle with a chronic illness. After five years in remission, it’s become my life’s work to teach other women a framework for holistic wellness so they can start feeling their best again.

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3 Responses

  1. I completely agree! We are often so hard on our selves. We say and think things about ourselves that we wouldn’t dare of saying to our friends or family. Why is self love that much harder for us to practice than kindness to those around us…? Self-love is just as important for ourselves as it is for others in our lives. We cannot forever pour from an empty cup…

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