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Can Too Much Sitting Hurt You?


The life of a boss is hectic. Do you ever find yourself sitting at your desk for prolonged periods? Research has shown that sitting for extended periods increases the risk of health conditions like obesity, hypertension, high blood sugar, and cardiovascular disease. According to the Mayo Clinic, the lack of inactivity even causes an increased risk of death from cancer.

We all know we need to move our bodies but sometimes we think there isn’t time because of the amount of work that is staring us in our face. Recently I found a solution where I can work and stand simultaneously.

AnthroDesk is electric allowing me to raise the desk to a level where I can stand while working. When I am not standing I can adjust it to a lower level. For someone who spends a fair amount of time on a computer or doing some other task at a desk, AnthroDesk is a great choice to keep you from sitting too long.

Learn more about the Anthro Desk at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08ZNTWS59. Remember to take a break from sitting at least every 30 minutes. Your body isn’t designed to sit all day. Don’t be surprised when you are more productive and creative simply because you move your body more often.

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I'm Cassandra Hill

And I work with women who are struggling to put their health and wellbeing first. My path as a Christian Holistic Wellness Influencer started with a career in gerontology that was sidetracked by a battle with a chronic illness. After five years in remission, it’s become my life’s work to teach other women a framework for holistic wellness so they can start feeling their best again.

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